My plan for the NBA is to tread lightly. It's a long season and there is no reason why I should let a possible slow start keep me discouraged. To start, regular plays on sides will be .5 and 1 unit on large plays. Regular plays on totals will be .25 with .5 on large plays. As one can plainly see on the second night of the NBA I have two large plays, not the brand of discipline I was hoping to begin with.
Golden St +6 +101 (1)
Nawlins is getting hammered* pretty good everywhere. Basketball Prospectus seems to think Golden State will surprise, while Nawlins will experience the plexiglass principle.
Ind/Det O188 EV (.5)
Any under getting over 70% action on wagerline will more often than not be a play.
Passing Atlanta, Phoenix, Mem/Hou over
Good Luck.
* Going to have to keep an eye on makaveli23
4 years ago